Ionut BARNA a scris:
„EGM’s Seanbaby a alcatuit o lista cu top 20 cele mai proaste jocuri video, pe care a publicat-o in a 150-a editie a revistei Electonic Gaming Monthly pe la inceputul anului. In timp ce unele liste de top ar putea revendica autoritate, aceasta lista este cea buna: jocurile acelea sunt un gunoi. Din articol:
“#10: Revolution X (SNES) This game is biblically horrific. You’re overthrowing an oppressive world order. With Aerosmith. And music is your weapon. That scream of terror you just heard was probably you. Using your weapon, music, you’ll fight a massive army of soldiers sent by the government to keep you from rocking. And since the artists were lazy, the army is made up entirely of a man in a yellow jacket and his several thousand identical twins. 
de_ce a zis
Si eu vroiam sa scriu aseara despre acelasi lucru 😛 mi-ai luat-o inainte
Darius JULA a zis
Noi suntem mai rapizi… doar reprezentam un site de stiri, nu? 🙂
de_ce a zis
asta da 🙂 eu vazusem pe dar mi-a fost lene sa traduc ;))