New Scientist ne spune despre un studiu efectuar in Stanford care a analizat dependenta de internet. Studiul a avut un rezultat curios, SUA este plina de dependenti de internet, atat de dependenti ca si un alcoolic. Din articol:
„Nearly 14% of respondents said they found it difficult to stay away from the internet for several days and 12% admitted that they often remain online longer than expected. More than 8% of those surveyed said they hid internet use from family, friends and employers, and the same percentage confessed to going online to flee from real-world problems. Approximately 6% also said their personal relationships had suffered as a result of excessive internet usage. ‘Potential markers of problematic internet use are present in a sizeable portion of the population,’ the researchers note.”
Daca ai ajuns sa-ti sacrifici relatiile pentru a naviga pe internet, trebuie sa te gandesti care este limita intre a folosi internetul pentru informare si dependenta.
oana a zis
ar trebui sa faca ceva organizatie..”interneticii anonimi” sa se duca acolo si sa zica „hello,my id is XXX and I`m an internet addict”:D
Darius JULA a zis
Se numesc internauti Oana. 🙂
crash a zis
Darius, cumva intrai pe mai demult? 🙂