Daca acum ceva vreme cei de la Microsoft lansau primul build pentru teste private al lui Windows Vista SP1 ieri Microsoft a anuntat un nou build gata pentru teste (build 6001-17042-071107-1618) care „cantareste” 434.84 MB pentru x86 si aproape dublu (734.3MB) pentru versiunea pe 64-bit.
Testerii care au deja Windows Vista SP1 (primul release) instalat vor avea totusi o surpriza: „Windows Vista SP1 does not support build-to-build upgrades,” spui cei de la Microsoft.
Idei dupa primele teste SP1:
„I discovered copying files from one directory to another is a bit faster. And on my laptop – battery life seems to be improved since running SP1. I have also noticed that transferring files to my shares on my Windows Home Server are a bit faster than they were previously without SP1. Overall performance in accessing my mapped network shares is improved as well.”
„Improvements were also noticeable in resuming from Hibernation or Sleep on both my desktop PC and laptop running SP1”