Saptamana aceasta, mai exact pe 19 martie 2009, lumea online va primi un nou MMORPG, de la studiourile Runewaker. Pe numele sau Runes of Magic, acest joc se desfasoara intr-un univers de fantezie si mitologie, asemanator celui din Diablo.
Avem de ales intre sase clase distincte (warrior, knight, scout, rogue, mage si priest), fiecare cu abilitati proprii. Si putem sa adaugam o a doua clasa personajului nostru, la fel ca in Titan Quest. Ca noutate in lumea MMORPG, in Runes of Magic nu doar personajul este customizabil, ci si casa acestuia, pe care o primim la inceput, si multe alte elemente ale jocului.
Grafica este placuta si ingrijita. Dar pentru ca vorbim despre un joc MMORPG, nu este prea pretentioasa, incercand sa ruleze si pe sisteme destul de vechi. Astfel, minumul necesar este un procesor la 2 GHz, 512 MB de RAM, 3 GB liberi pe HDD si placa video de la GeForce FX 5700 sau Radeon 9600 cu 128 MB in sus.
Dar Runes of Magic are un mare avantaj fata de celelalte MMORPG-uri de succes, si inclusiv fata de regele World of Warcraft: este complet gratuit. Nu costa nici kit-ul, nici jucatul online ulterior. Ceea ce ar trebui sa-i sporeasca sansele de succes. Deci un demo nu intra in discutie. Ramane doar sa urmarim trailer-ul oficial, putin mai jos.
acsel a zis
Se stie ceva de level maxim, pvp, instante, raiduri si daca va avea addonuri? 😕
greedz a zis
L-am jucat un pic cand era in closed beta, e copie de WoW, facuta prost. Not worth it.
Alexandru a zis
Despre add-on nu se spune nimic. Insa creatorii promit update-uri frecvente, care sa aduca si clase noi, rase noi, arme, creaturi etc.
Exista si instante si dungeon-uri. Are si PvP, inclusiv intre server-e, guild vs guild. Iar nivelul maxim nu il stiu…
făniţă a zis
până la urmă, e clonă de diablo sau de wow?
Alexandru a zis
Probabil o combinatie 😉
Linkkwind a zis
Am fost CB tester inca din august 2008 , intradevar RoM pare o clona WoW , din pacate aceasta afirmatie este atat adevarata cat si falsa din multe motive.
Pentru cei care nu stiu RoM a fost lansat pe data de 19 martie 2009 , si atat jocul cat si clientul de pe site sunt free fara nici o taxa lunara , firma Frogster Interactive se bazeaza pe RMT ( real money transactions ) cu ajutorul item shopului valabil pe siteul lor.
Conform Frogster si wiki 20.000 de players si-au creat 100.000 de caractere in prima zi de OB ( 15 decembrie 2008 ) crescand la 450.000 de caractere in februarie 2009.
lvl max este 50/50 ( lvl 50 pe primary class si lvl 50 pe secondary class ) , iar dungeonurile sunt impartite in 3 feluri : (lage pvp open-world dungeons;small instances for six players si large instances for 36 players ).
Cum spun si tovarasii de pe forumurile de specialitate , RoM are multe plusuri si contzine un parfum de WoW pre-tbc un lucru foarte de apreciat pentru fostii veterani WoW care au renuntzat la „marele mmo” inainte de lansarea TBC.
Ia cititzi si voi daca nu suntetzi amenintati de vreo lene imensa :
Okay, so Runes of Magic bears a passing resemblance to World of Warcraft. The original Taiwanese creators of the game were big fans of Blizzard’s MMO, so it makes sense that there would be some similar elements. Yes, the graphics, fonts, and interface all channel the wildly successful MMO, and sure, some of the character classes and abilities are very much like those you’d find on Azeroth. And yes, perhaps the first monster I saw taken down in the demo I attended this morning was a minotaur creature called a Tauren Patrolman. While at times it stretches the very limit of the word homage, Runes of Magic isn’t a WoW clone. If anything, it’s a game that seeks to harness the best elements of all MMORPG games into one, adding a few innovative new elements in the hopes of becoming one of the most compelling free-to-play online RPGs in existence.
Rather than focus on what’s similar to WoW, let’s take a look at where the game differs instead.
Character Advancement: Covered this about a week ago, but we’ll cover it again. Characters choose one class. At level 10 they choose another. Both classes have primary and secondary abilities. You can switch freely between the two classes, but you can only use primary abilities from your primary class, along with secondary abilities from your secondary class. Want a warrior that casts a little healing who can transform into a priest that can take a beating? You can do that. Want a mage who can backstab and stealth when the mood strikes him? No problem. Whether inspired by Final Fantasy XI or D&D multi-classing, the system allows for many different combinations of classes, letting you create a character custom tailored to your play style.
The Update Schedule: The Runes of Magic team want this game to buck standard RPG conventions by offerring not only free updates every few months, but free updates that include big changes. New classes and new races, generally relegated to retail expansions for the big-name MMO games, free additions such as these should be plentiful on Runes of Magic.
The Rune System: Now this bit is very, very nifty. Say you’ve finally found the perfect matching set of armor, but then come across a more powerful piece of equipment that looks plain ugly. Instead of ruining your outfit, strip the powers from the new object into a rune and then attach it to your old hat. You can even combine two runes together to form a more powerful one, though the higher the powers the more chance you have to fail. Think of it as equipment gambling – do you destroy this high level piece when you could possibly fail, losing it all in the process?
Player Housing: Player housing as been done before, but the Runes of Magic team is doing some interesting things with the player-made space. You have all of the standards – places to hang trophies, display your weapons, or store your extra items. Your house starts of small, growing with you as you level to reflect your increasing power and status. You can even invite friends into your home to engage in steamy cyber discuss upcoming battles.
By far the neatest function of player housing in Runes of Magic is the dress dummy. Place it in your home, equip it with a set of armor, and then with the click of a button you can swap out your equipment with what the dummy is wearing. Perfect for those who consistently change primary classes, as well as anyone who has ever played a WoW druid. You can set up as many dummies as you need, and the same functionality works with wall-mounted weapon sets.
Dynamic Dungeons: Certain dungeons in Runes of Magic will be dynamically generated, meaning that you will go inside and gain treasures, come out, and the next time you enter the dungeon layout and treasures have completely changed.
Guild Wars: Guilds will be able to declare war on other guilds in Runes of Magic, allowing for conflict ranging from one-on-one fights in the city streets all the way up to massive instanced stronghold wars, where the rival guilds battle against each other for rank points and the treasures of each other’s guild castles.
Server Wars: The developers are actively working on incorporating server PVP, where multiple servers fight over a neutral territory for the honor of their particular group of people who randomly chose that particular game world to call home.
Free-To-Play: It’s free, so the price point is somewhat better than WoW’s.
So yes, the game takes elements of World of Warcraft, but it also steals ideas from everyone else – Dark Age of Camelot, Final Fantasy Online, Everquest, Guild Wars, etc. It’s the product of a couple of guys who just wanted to put everything the loved into one package. The strategy doesn’t always work, but sometimes throwing everything you think tastes good into one pot can result in something that tastes even better.
greedz a zis
puiule, ne-ai pierdut pe toti de la item shop incolo.
G7777777 a zis
Nu mrege pe windows vista ultimate 64bit :((